Custom Tattoo Designs
Best Custom Tattoo Designs in Fayetteville, NC
Knowing how to put a tattoo together is one of the basic steps of tattooing. There are different ways to design a tattoo, some artists prefer to compose the design by hand, while a more modern approach is to take advantage of computer programs like Photoshop, Procreate, or any other which makes the rendering process a lot faster and easier.
Some custom tattoo designs can be accomplished from specific references and pictures, while others can be designed from a description or concept thus giving the custom tattoo artist more artistic freedom to create the design. The fact is that in either case, the process of designing a custom tattoo should be one in that both the artist and the client must participate and be on the same page in order for the custom tattoo design to come together.
At our tattoo studio in Fayetteville, NC, we have been using both methods to design our tattoos for years, we start our process by listening to the client’s idea, we must get that feedback in order to understand their vision and the goal they’re trying to accomplish before we can make it a reality, so the more specific the better. It is very important to also keep a realistic sense of what can actually be accomplished, some ideas for custom tattoos are simply nearly impossible to materialize, therefore many artists will pass on those types of designs.
But don’t feel discouraged by this, we always have artists available to consult and go over your ideas for any custom tattoo designs and we will never rush the client nor the process just to make a buck!. So if you’ve been thinking about getting something new, something different and unique you don’t have to wait any longer, call or visit us to schedule a free consult and let us help you bring that idea to life!

You think it, We ink it
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Studio Hours:
Mon – Sat 11 AM – 8 PM